CTEVT Diploma In Computer Engineering Syllabus


diploma in computer engineering syllabus

CTEVT Diploma In Computer Engineering Syllabus

Council of Technical and Vocational Education (CTEVT) runs various Diploma And Pre Diploma Courses in Entire Nepal Through Various Technical Schools, Institutes and Colleges. One Of the most popular course or program of CTEVT is Diploma in Computer Engineering. The main goal of this program is to produce skilled computer specialist or Computer Engineers for national and international job market. The Diploma Program is about of 3 years or 36 months which is divided into 6 semesters and each semester commonly includes 7 subjects. The Semester wise subject and its syllabus is provided in this post.

CTEVT Diploma In Computer Engineering First Semester Syllabus

The First Semester Of Diploma In Computer Engineering Includes 8 subjects they are

1. Engineering Chemistry -I

2. Engineering Physics -I

3. Engineering Mathematics -I

4. Communication English

5. Communication Nepali

6. Computer Fundamentals

7. Engineering Drawing

8. Computer Programming in C

First Semester Engineering Chemistry Syllabus

This subject consists of three units related to general chemistry, language of chemistry, and system of classification necessary to develop background in chemistry that supports for the understanding and practicing related engineering works. Download Full Syllabus:


First Semester Engineering Physics Syllabus

This course in physics is designed to provide students with an understanding of the scientific laws of our physical world, and how physics contributes to life’s activities in modern society. The course emphasizes both quantitative and qualitative aspects of physics, involving mathematical models and equations. The application of physics to social and environmental situations is well illustrated.

The practical component of this course is designed to supplement learning through the application of learned theory. The students will handle simple apparatus to do simple measurements, demonstrate simple electrical circuits, and apply their knowledge of physics to real life examples. Download Full Syllabus:


First Semester Engineering Mathematics Syllabus

This subject consists of four units related to trigonometry; coordinate geometry; algebra; and calculus necessary to develop mathematical background helpful for the understanding and practicing the related engineering works. Download Full Syllabus:


First Semester Communication English Syllabus

This subject consists of four units related to communicative English; writing skills in English; English sounds and structures; and English conversation practices so as to equip the students with the skills and knowledge of communication in English language in order to have an effective and efficient job performance through occupational communication in the workplace. Download Full Syllabus:


First Semester Communication Nepali Syllabus

This subject consists of units related to communicative Nepali; writing skills in Nepali; Nepali sounds and structures; and Nepali conversation practices so as to equip the students with the skills and knowledge of communication in Nepali language in order to have an effective and efficient job performance through occupational communication in the workplace. Download Full Syllabus:


First Semester Computer Fundamentals Syllabus

This course deals with the introduction of the computer, hardware components, computer programming, internet concept and the practical on word processing, Database, Presentation, class work Preparation in the computer. Download Full Syllabus:


First Semester Engineering Drawing Syllabus

This course deals with geometrical construction, orthographic projections and basic techniques of freehand sketch. Download Full Syllabus:


First Semester Computer Programming in C Syllabus

This course deals with the Computer Fundamentals, Problem Solving Method Introduction to C, Basic Input and Output, Structured Programming Fundamentals, Functions, Arrays, Pointers and Strings Structures Files and Files Handling in ‘C’.Download Full Syllabus:


CTEVT Diploma In Computer Engineering Second Semester Syllabus

The Second Semester Of Diploma In Computer Engineering Includes 7 subjects they are

1. Engineering Chemistry -II

2. Engineering Physics -II

3. Engineering Mathematics -II

4. Electrical Engineering

5. Object Oriented Programming in C++ 

6. Web Technology and Programming -I

7. Digital Logic

Second Semester Engineering Chemistry Syllabus

This subject consists of three units related to nonmetals and their compounds; metals and their compounds; and organic compounds and synthetic materials necessary to develop background in chemistry that supports for the understanding and practicing related engineering works. Download full Syllabus:


Second Semester Engineering Physics Syllabus

This subject consists of four units related to electricity, waves, properties of matter, and modern physics necessary to develop background in physics that supports for the understanding and practicing the related engineering works. Download Full Syllabus:



Second Semester Engineering Mathematics Syllabus

This subject consists of five units related to vectors; algebra; calculus; geometry; and statistics necessary to develop mathematical background helpful for the understanding and practicing the related engineering works. Download Full Syllabus:



Second Semester Electrical Engineering Syllabus

This course focuses on familiarization of fundamental concepts in DC and AC electrical networks. Download Full Syllabus:



Second Semester Object Oriented Programming in C++ Syllabus

This course deals to develop the skill on thinking about computation and problem solving in Object Oriented Paradigms. The course helps the students to discover the basic concepts of object oriented programming concept such as object, class, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction and encapsulation and apply in C++. Download Full Syllabus:



Second Semester Object Web Technology and Programming Syllabus

This course aims at providing skills to the student to develop of modern web application and gain a broad understanding of the Web Technology. It covers the area of dynamic web development and its's features. The course initiates students to the different web development tools and technology such as HTML5, CSS, Java Script, jQuery. Download Full Syllabus:


Second Semester Digital Logic Syllabus

This course presents an introduction to Digital logic techniques and foundation in design and analysis of the operation of digital gates. it support to design and implementation of combinational and sequential logic circuits. This course also explain the concepts of Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, flip-flops, registers, and counters along with various logic families and comparison of their behavior and characteristics. Download Full Syllabus:


CTEVT Diploma In Computer Engineering Third Semester Syllabus

The Third Semester Of Diploma In Computer Engineering Includes 6 subjects they are

1. Database Management Systems

2. Data Structures and Algorithm

3. Electronic Devices and Circuits

4. Engineering Mathematics -III

5. Microprocessor

6. Web Technology and Programming -II

Third Semester Database Management Systems Syllabus

The course covers the fundamental concepts of database and database management system including database design using entity relationship diagram, relational databases, structured query language, normalization, transaction processing, and concurrency control and recovery techniques. Download Full Syllabus:


Third Semester Data Structures and Algorithm Syllabus

The purpose of this course is to provide the students with the basic concepts of data structures and algorithms. The main objective of the course is to teach the students how to select and design data structures and algorithms that are appropriate for problems that might occur. This course offers the students a mixture of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Programming language C can be used for practical work. Download Full Syllabus:


Third Semester Electronic Devices and Circuits Syllabus

This course deals with different electronic devices and circuits. Download Full Syllabus:

Third Semester Engineering Mathematics Syllabus

This course consists of Partial derivative, Differential equations, Infinite series, Fourier series, and Elementary group theory necessary to develop mathematical background. Download Full Syllabus:

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Third Semester Microprocessor Syllabus

This course deals with fundamentals of microprocessor, basic low level microprocessor programming, interfacing and introduction to basic programmable devices. Download Full Syllabus:

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Third Semester Web Technology and Programming Syllabus

This course aims at providing skills to the student to development of modern web application and gain a broad understanding of the Web Technology with database. The course will initiate students to the different web development tools and technology such as Ajax, XML, PHP-MySQL and open sources web development frameworks. Download Full Syllabus:

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CTEVT Diploma In Computer Engineering Fourth Semester Syllabus

The Fourth Semester Of Diploma In Computer Engineering Includes 7 subjects they are

1. Computer Architecture

2. Computer Graphics

3. Computer Repair and Maintenance

4. Data Communication

5. Statistics and Probability 

6. System Analysis and Design

7. Visual Programming

Fourth Semester Computer Architecture Syllabus

This course is an introduction to computer architecture and organization. It covers topics in both the physical design of the computer (organization) and the logical design of the computer (Architecture). Download Full Syllabus:

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Fourth Semester Computer Graphics Syllabus

This course deals with graphics hardware, two and three dimensional graphics, fundamentals of animation techniques; web graphics design and graphics design packages. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fourth Semester Computer Repair and Maintenance Syllabus

This course deals about fundamental concept, theories and popular principles of repair and Maintenance systems of computer. The major focus is trouble shooting, repairing and maintenance into real-life by utilizing the knowledge and skill of computer hardware and software. This makes the learning-teaching process more interactive, skillful and interesting. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fourth Semester Data Communication Syllabus

This course deals with the introduction to communication system, transmission system and media, concepts of multiplexing and multiple access techniques, principles of pulse code modulation, and different types of switching techniques. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fourth Semester Statistics and Probability Syllabus

This course deals with a practical knowledge of the principles and concept of probability and statistics and their application to simple engineering problems. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fourth Semester System Analysis and Design Syllabus

Systems are created to solve problems. One can imagine or think systems approach as an organized way of dealing with specific problem. So, in this real or active world, the System Analysis and design, mainly deals with the software development activities. The students can able to know about the system and design and can provide the full knowledge about the system analysis and design and use of model. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fourth Semester Visual Programming Syllabus

This course aims to guide the students in both the theoretical and practical aspects of visual programming of computer for the solutions of the real-world problems. The course covers the language basics, GUI design, use of different controls, object oriented concept , file handling , database programming, calling windows API etc. using VB.net language. Download Full Syllabus:

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CTEVT Diploma In Computer Engineering Fifth Semester Syllabus

The Fifth Semester Of Diploma In Computer Engineering Includes 8 subjects they are

1. Applied Telecommunication

2. Computer Networks

3. Cyber Security and Professional Ethics 

4. Distributed Computing

5. Management Information System

6. Minor Project

7. Operating Systems

8. Elective-I

a. Computer Simulation and Modeling

b. Geographical Information System 

c. Java Programming

Fifth Semester Applied Telecommunication Syllabus

This course covers introduction to basic communication and telephone system, long distance communication, switching system, traffic system, access network & transmission network, similarly, cellular phone system and wireless communication are also included. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fifth Semester Computer Networks Syllabus

This course deals with fundamentals of computer network, its architecture, its standards, 

protocols and security issues used in computer network. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fifth Semester Cyber Security and Professional Ethics Syllabus

This course is designed to provide the knowledge of fundamental aspects of Cyber Security and professional ethics in cyber world. Security is also an essential part of e-Enable Services, in the enterprise and over networks has become the primary concern. The course will provide skill to the students to how information can be protected throughout application, organization and computer networks and understanding of the social and professional cultural, social, legal, and ethical issues as well. The student will be discussion on different types of cyber security issues, secure techniques, security and cryptography, legal issues in cybercrime, incidents and cyber forensic, ethical issues in cyber world, Professional ethics and Risk and liability in the computer based System. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fifth Semester Distributed Computing Syllabus

After completing this course the student will be able to know about the fundamental aspects of parallel and distributed processing, the taxonomies of parallel systems, the performance measures for parallel systems, and fundamental concept of distributed file system. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fifth Semester Management Information System Syllabus

The main aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the management of information systems (MIS). Managing information systems has become a task for all levels of managers and all function areas of the business. This MIS course is designed to familiarize students with the concepts related to the utilization of information technology in business organizations. This course will focus on technical and managerial aspects of information technology adoption in the organization. This course should provide the student with knowledge of the core principles of MIS, focusing on breadth rather than depth of knowledge. In this course has included case studies, group assignments, and related software exercises that will provide an opportunity to apply MIS concepts to real-world applications. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fifth Semester Minor Project Syllabus

This course is designed to meet the requirement of Diploma Level studies under CTEVT program. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fifth Semester Operating Systems Syllabus

This course demonstrates the basic features of Operating System and its components. It covers the description and implementation techniques of basic functions of operating system like process management, memory management, file management and device management. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fifth Semester Computer Simulation and Modeling Syllabus

After completing this course the student will be able to know about Simulation, Analog methods for Simulation, Queuing system, Random Number and Different types of Simulation Software. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fifth Semester Geographical Information System Syllabus

The course deals with concepts and scope of geographic information systems (GIS) and their use for data capture techniques, creating, processing, analyzing and visualizing geographic databases. It is designed to provide students in both the theoretical and practical aspects of GIS to solve real world problems. Download Full Syllabus:

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Fifth Semester Java Programming Syllabus

This course covers different concepts of computer programming using Java programming language. The course covers ideas of programming including comments, data type, operators, variables, constants, control statements, arrays, classes and objects, inheritance and interfaces, packages, exception handling, and input/output. Download Full Syllabus:

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CTEVT Diploma In Computer Engineering Sixth Semester Syllabus

The Sixth Semester Of Diploma In Computer Engineering Includes 6 subjects they are

1. Data Mining

2. Internet Technology

3. Major Project

4. Multimedia Technology

5. Software Engineering

6. Elective -II

a. E-Commerce

b. E-Governance

c. Embedded System

Sixth Semester Data Mining Syllabus

Data Mining studies algorithms and computational paradigms that allow computers to find patterns and regularities in databases, perform prediction and forecasting, and generally improve their performance through interaction with data. The course will cover all these issues and will illustrate the whole process by examples. Download Full Syllabus: 

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Sixth Semester Internet Technology Syllabus

The course is design to impart the practical knowledge and skills to design and setup Internet and Intranet. The focus of this courses on the practical application of internetworking technologies to private Intranets for Information management and public Internets for electronic commerce. Students will learn theoretical and practical details. Students will develop various Intranet and Internet applications and setup servers as part of practical sessions. Download Full Syllabus:

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Sixth Semester Major Project Syllabus

This course is to introduce to plan and complete project work related with Computer Engineering under the supervision of an instructor or a supervisor. Download Full Syllabus:

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Sixth Semester Multimedia Technology Syllabus

This course covers different domains of Multimedia Systems like Devices, Systems and its applications and Multimedia tools. Download Full Syllabus:


Sixth Semester Software Engineering Syllabus

This course aims to guide the students in both the theoretical and practical aspects of developing computer solutions for real-world problems. One will study the tools and techniques used in analysis and design of software systems, and apply those tools within a recognized software development methodology and within the context of a case study. Download Full Syllabus:


Sixth Semester E-Commerce Syllabus

This course deals with the introduction, different business models for e-Commerce, concept of mobile computing, different types of on-line business systems, techniques and implementation for electronics payment system, and legal considerations in e-Commerce. Download Full Syllabus:


Sixth Semester E-Governance Syllabus

This course deals with the introduction, different models for e-Governance, concept of e-Governance, different types of on-line business systems, techniques and implementation for electronics payment system, and legal considerations in e-Governance. Download Full Syllabus:


Sixth Semester Embedded System Syllabus

This course gives the fundamental knowledge of embedded system incorporating hardware, real-time operating system, microcontroller, embedded software development tools and examples of practical embedded system. Download Full Syllabus:


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